
Tuesday, January 11

Im back blogging! dont asked me why i started blogging but i should say that im very very busy with alot of things nowadys. Im busy with work and school at the same time. I cant just quit my job straight away, like seriously I have make alot of friendly staff at the zoo. I guess thats the case that I cant simply quit, hehhhehhee. But studies should come first, ahhh i dont know what am i doing.

I have been ignored by my goodbest guy friend idk how to put into words but i dont know what happened to me. I just feels like a fool, my friend would usually pop out a chat and asking me how school is but now seems that everything is the other way round. Or is it totally my fault? What happened, can someone or even you telled me what is happening? Ahh i think i will just forget it and ignored what happen. I will just take that its my fault. The calculator guy. Woah i seriously missed chatting with my bestfriend, now its like a separate world with Enemies all around. Sho sad.

May peace be upon you then.